Monday, October 31, 2011

Work Heals All

There is an opinion in the US these days that people are lazy and living off the government tit.  However, I believe, that given the chance, people would choose work over nothing.  The fact is that the US was built on the idea that a strong work ethic made the country strong. The divide between conservatives and liberals is one of degrees.  The liberal faction says that government has the responsibility to provide the opportunity for people to get out of poverty and become successful.  The conservatives say that people should pull their asses out of the gutter by their bootstraps The fact is that some folks are able to pull themselves out of poverty by sheer will.  However, there are many folks that need a hand up to get on their feet.

I grew up in a family that instilled a very strong work ethic in me. You have to work to be. You have to work to survive.  A job, whether you like it or not; whether it is below your station or not; is still a job.  I've had some shitty ass jobs in my life, but I was always happy I had a job.

Americans these days are unwilling to work. It seems folks would rather live at home, sucking off the great government tit, than getting a job that was "beneath" them. Well...Fuck you!  You want a job?  Go get one.  Life could be far worse.

Joy in Mudville? Nope. Just mud.


It's official.  The Redskins suck. I haven't seen the yardage totals yet, but I'd be very surprised if the offense broke 100 yards total. Ooops. My bad. They actually managed 178 total yards. Sure , the offense is missing a good number of starters due to injury, but that excuse is thin.  Even with a patchwork line, a team of paid professionals should be able to put SOME points on the board.  The defense plays with heart, but there's only so much you can do when the offense is as anemic as the Skins' is.  Given the schedule for the rest of the year, it may be possible for the Skins to end up 3-13.  Years of ignoring the offensive line in the draft is seriously coming back to haunt the team.

Is it baseball season yet?