As the debate over gun control rages across America, there is only one truth that stands out: the issue brings out the worst in Americans across the spectrum. Civility, rationality, compromise, and common sense are replaced by vitriol, racism, name-calling, extremism, and partisanship. No one is clean. Not the pro-gun people; not the anti-gun people.
To the anti-gun folks who believe we need to get rid of all the guns, and that people who like guns are all crazy-ass, redneck, trailer trash: Get a grip! First of all, there are millions of perfectly sane, safe, law-abiding gun owners from all walks of life in this country. They have the right to own their weapons. It's that simple. There is also the fact that it is logistically and politically impossible to ban and/or confiscate all guns. Would I like a world with no guns? Yes. I would. Is it a reasonable expectation? No.
To all the gun nuts out there who think that if we allow ANY gun controls, Stalin and Hitler are going to rise from the grave and destroy America and her way of life: Get a grip! NO ONE is coming for your guns. No matter how paranoid you may be, the US Army and law enforcement won't be invading your house any time soon. The government at this particular point is only asking that you a) show you are not a felon, crazy, or on drugs, b) not going to sell your legally purchased weapons on the black market for a profit, and c) give some thought as to why you may need an automatic weapon with a 30 round clip to go deer hunting?
I am a proponent of tighter gun controls and always have been. At the same time I respect the rights of those people who choose to own guns. I think that the proposals put forth by the current administration are quite reasonable: tighten and expand the background checking procedure, curtail illegal gun sales, and eliminate the sale of guns, such as automatic rifles, for which no reasonable gun advocate or sportsman has any real use. No one in a position of power is calling for an outright ban or confiscation of ALL weapons.
There is room for compromise in this debate if people could only come to their senses.