Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dan Snyder: "Well you're just a big ol' POOPYHEAD!"

It would seem that, in the face of fierce criticism of his ownership style and the Redskins continuing mediocrity on the field, Daniel Snyder, aka The Danny, has finally gone off the deep end. It appears that the final straw was a cover article by Dave McKenna, a long standing critic of Snyder, in the Washington City Paper: The Cranky Redskin Fan's Guide to Dan Snyder. The article lists The Danny's foibles since his take over of the Redskins. The Danny's reaction? He's suing the City Paper and it's parent organization for $2,000,000 for libel and slander. Apparently, our bedeviled owner doesn't take criticism particularly well.

Here's the problem that The Danny now faces: he's in the process of creating yet another PR crisis of EPIC proportions for himself. The fans despise him because he's taken a storied franchise and basically killed it. Dead. Don't get me wrong, the Redskins are financially doing extremely well, mostly from The Danny's willingness to gouge the fans for every penny he can get. It is Snyder's FOOTBALL decisions that have wreaked havoc on the team. He runs the team like he's a first time fantasy football guy. He seems to pick big names out of a hat and pay them exorbitant salaries regardless of whether or not they are past their prime (Deion Sanders, Jeff George, Bruce Smith, among others), good for the scheme, or simply of good character (Albert Haynesworth will haunt this team forever). Basically, the guy just doesn't have a clue. The Danny may have had his feathers ruffled a bit, but this lawsuit is only going to add fuel to an already sizeable conflagration. He's taken an article from last November that hardly anyone read and made it an article that now EVERYONE'S READ. The man is a genius.

Of course, not everyone hates The Danny. Fans of the Eagles, Giants, and Cowboys absolutely love him. Even fans in Detroit and Cinncinnati are singing his praises as the Redskins have provided them the last couple of years with a ray of sunshine in their otherwise dismal seasons.

Well Mr. Snyder, I hope your current campaign to win the hearts and minds of the Redskin faithfull bears fruit, and hopefully, that fruit won't fall off the tree and whack you on your big ass wooden head.

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