Tuesday, August 9, 2011

US Economy Flight 2011 Feared Lost over Washington DC. Officials unclear how to proceed.

KruseNews, August 9, 2011

The tragic tale of US Economy Flight 2011, which went down yesterday in a severe political storm, may never be fully understood.  However, according to reports, bickering at Washington's Ivory Tower over procedure could have had a direct impact on the fate of 2011.  Exerpts of the final moments of US Economy 2011, picked up by a HAM radio operator and sent to this reporter, reveal the last desperate plea for assistance:

Pilot: US Economy Flight 2011 to Ivory Tower. We're experiencing severe political turbulence and have lost all guidance systems. Requesting emergency assistance.

Ivory Tower: Ivory Tower to US Economy Flight 2011. Maintain current heading while we work out the details.

Pilot: US Economy Flight 2011 to Ivory Tower. We have lost rudder function and are descending out of control. Request emergency assistance!

Ivory Tower: Ivory Tower to US Economy Flight 2011. Maintain current heading while we work out the details.

Pilot: US Economy Flight 2011 to Ivory Tower. Please be advised that we no longer have...**static**

Ivory Tower: Congressional Tower to US Economy Flight 2011. Maintain current heading while we work out the details.

Ivory Tower: Flight 2011??

Meanwhile, in Washington, recriminations and finger pointing continue unabated and with no end in sight.

Senator Kyl DePore (R - TX) stated that his party "could not abide by the course corrections demanded by irresponsible members of this administration!"

In response, Democratic Representative Ivan O. Spine (CA) said, "We have tried and tried to get the other side to reach a consensus on the proper direction of Economy 2011, but the ideologues in the Tower would not agree."

An angry John Q. Public, who lost his family pension in the crash, bemoaned the state of gridlock among Tower officials stating, "This tragedy could have been avoided if only those people would get their heads out of [expletive deleted][expletive deleted][expletive deleted]!"

Until the Ivory Tower can get its act together it's a matter of "when" not "if " another tragedy like this will occur.

Eric Kruse reporting from South Korea

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