Friday, January 22, 2016


Hello fellow travelers. 

Today is the first day of my winter break - 3 weeks of blissful, work-free sloth. Going to head off to California on Monday to see my sister and then my mom.  I'm looking forward to stuffing my face with real Mexican food and other western goodies I can't find here in Taiwan.  Then, of course, there is the grocery store/Walmart experience, which is always a highlight.  As many of my expat friends know, there's nothing quite so over-whelming as walking into an American supermarket after being abroad for a few years. Most of the time, I simply wander the aisles slavering over the sheer variety of stuff available.  Favorite places in the store: the deli and the cereal aisle!

Anyway, it'll be a good trip.  I'm planning on renting a car this time and driving from San Francisco to my mom's house in Crescent City.  I haven't done a good road trip in years, and I'm looking forward to the drive.  It's been a long time since I've had a car. I got a small taste of driving when Ian and I were in Guam, and I've been thinking about it a lot since. The only thing I hope for is that the rental car has a way for me to plug in my iPod.  No way do I want to drive that far listening only to the radio - shiver!

The How-low-can-you-go Limbo

Sarah Palin endorses Donald Trump. Rumors of a Trump/Palin ticket circulate.  It's the end of the world.

Feelin' The Bern!

I admit it. I am very skeptical of Bernie Sanders' chances at pulling off a victory in the upcoming election, but I am attracted to much of what he has to say. There is a problem with some of the math when it comes to how he is going to fund many of his domestic proposals, especially with a Congress that is guaranteed to be hostile to most everything he wants to do. That said, if all the people who say they want to vote for Sanders actually vote for him, he may have a fighting chance.

New Music

Psychedelic Stoner goodness from Australia:  Hobo Magic


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