I've been following the political news with the jaundiced eye of one who has come to the realisation that participating in the system is just about pointless. Don't get me wrong, I participate, but mostly to claim my right to bitch about stuff.
The Republicans and Tea Party folks are busy congratulating themselves and crowing about how they are going to change everything back to the way it was (which "was" they're shooting for is not quite clear, but they seem pretty happy). Hopefully, now that the Teapublicans have control of the House, maybe we, the people, will see some sort of shift towards compromise and progress. Progress of course meaning that Congress actually gets something, ANYTHING, accomplished. I'm not confident that this will happen. The fact is, in eighteen months, the very same people who voted for this new batch of congressional clowns are going to be screaming for the candidates heads because not a Goddamned thing will get done.
Now, for my completely partisan moment (Can you guess which side I'm on?):
If you voted conservative and are unemployed, I hope you saved those unemployment checks you've been getting. Unemployment benefits are going to be the first thing to go. Find yourself a nice comfy refrigerator box.
If you voted conservative, are unemployed, and uninsured. Don't get sick. Your local Tea Party rep. ain't gonna help you pay for your perscriptions. Provided, of course, you can afford to go to the doctor to get the perscription in the first place.
If you are unaffiliated with any political party, poor, and a minority (especially you pesky Muslims), run!
If you are a really rich, white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, NRA supporting, big business fat cat, congratulations pal! You just won the lottery!!!
...and so it goes!
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