I've been reading about Joe Biden's latest "gaffe" in which he stated on Meet the Press that he fully supports gay marriage. Of course, the press is having a field day because the President's views on the issue are "evolving," which in itself is a pretty ridiculous statement. If President Obama doesn't support the right for gay couples to marry, I'll eat my hat. The problem is that this country is so completely out of whack that it really can't figure out which way is up. That leaves the president having to walk on eggshells through this political minefield.
My question is why is this a political issue. Why is it an issue period. Isn't the USA built on the idea of religious, political, and personal freedom? Doesn't the country pride itself on its individualism and liberty? It seems to be the battle cry heard from every side of the political spectrum. "I want my guns. It's my INDIVIDUAL RIGHT!" "I want access to legal abortion. It's my INDIVIDUAL RIGHT!" "I want this! I want that! IT'S MY INDIVIDUAL RIGHT!" Why, then, is it not a person's INDIVIDUAL RIGHT to choose who they marry? To me it's such a simple thing. It's as simple as changing the channel on the TV when something I don't like comes on. If you don't believe in gay marriage, don't marry someone who is gay. It's really that easy.
Then there's this whole "sanctity of marriage" thing flying around. That somehow gay couples marrying will destroy the institution of marriage. I don't know if there are statistics on the success and failure rates of gay relationships, but there are boatloads of stats for straight marriage. Depending on which website you look at (a quick Google search will give you plenty of options), the divorce rate in the US is 41 - 49% for first marriages. The numbers climb significantly for second and third marriages. I would say that straight couples in America are struggling a bit with the idea of marriage as a sacred covenant (I won't even start with the "Family Values" hypocrites like Newt Gingrich).
In conclusion, I believe the the US has far more pressing problems than deciding who can or cannot get married. Not meaning any offense to the pro/anti gay marriage activists out there, but the economy, health care, and the ongoing, seemingly endless war if Afghanistan are far more pressing issues.
Live and let live.
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