There are two truths that are undeniable about traveling to the US. One, the only thing that loses weight is your wallet, and, two, your sleep cycle is going to hell. I went to bed at midnight last night after 18-19 hours of traveling only to wake up at 5:00 am this morning. Only it wasn't 5:00. It was 4:00 because I forgot to set my watch to Taiwan time after our layover in Tokyo. It was even worse when Rebecca and I got to California at the beginning of the trip. I think it took almost a week before we started sleeping less than about 14 hours a day.
As far as the diet is concerned, you pretty much know that you are going to put on an extra 10-15 lbs when you are greeted at your mother's house by a 22 lb turkey with all the trimmings and only four people to eat it. There is also the thing about portion size. I am always amazed how much food you get when you go to a restaurant. I wonder if I thought the portions at restaurants were unusually big before I went to Korea or if they felt normal? Now I go home, and I'm thinking, "Holy crap! How the hell am I supposed to eat all that?" I usually manage to find a way to shovel all that food in because you know... you don't want to waste anything...starving children in Africa and all that. Anyway, I got to eat a ton - maybe literally - of great food while I was home, and it was awesome!
To be continued...
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